Zhang Shouhua presided over the meeting of the Party building work leading group of the Party Working Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone

来源:   时间: 2024-09-28 10:23

  9月27日,Zhang Shouhua, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone and leader of the Party building work leading group of the Party Working Committee, chaired the meeting of the leading group,传达学习习近平总书记关于党纪学习教育重要指示及党中央、省委和市委党的建设工作领导小组会议精神,Summarize the achievements of Party discipline learning and education in high-tech zones,Make arrangements for the continuous consolidation of Party discipline learning and education results。

  Zhang Shouhua pointed out that since the launch of Party discipline learning and education in April this year, the high-tech zone has fully completed various tasks with the "five learning" as the general starting point, and has achieved significant results, and the mental state has been further boosted, the awareness of rules has been further enhanced, and the work style has been further transformed。

  Zhang Shouhua stressed that we should continue to work hard in deep learning to see results。以“第一议题”、理论学习中心组学习、“三会一课”、主题党日等活动方式,持续跟进学习习近平总书记关于加强纪律建设的重要讲话和指示批示精神,准确掌握“六项纪律”主旨要义,进一步提高政治站位、深化思想认识。Strengthen warning education in combination with the actual situation, regularly focus on discipline education in key groups, and create a cadre team with strict discipline and excellent style of work。

  Zhang Shouhua requirements, to continue to work hard to see results。Adhere to both measures and promote,Combine the study and education of Party discipline with the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, provincial Party committees and municipal committees,Combined with the completion of the annual key work,To solve the problems of the people's difficulties and worries,Make the study and education of Party discipline become an effective measure to promote the work of the center,Educate and guide party members and cadres on the premise of abiding by rules and discipline,Forge ahead and take responsibility,We will promote investment promotion, project construction, and institutional reform。

  Zhang Shouhua stressed that it is necessary to continue to work hard to see the effect of fine photos。Party organizations at all levels strictly implement the list of responsibilities for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Study and education requirements in accordance with Party discipline and Regulations,We will make in-depth efforts to identify weaknesses in Party management and governance,Focus on the outstanding problems indicated by the inspection feedback,We will further strengthen efforts to clarify discipline and promote reform through cases,Do a good job of the "second half of the article" of the implementation of rules and regulations。Deepen the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, find out the emergence of problems in a timely manner to remind, violate the discipline to deal with discipline, resolutely maintain the seriousness and authority of discipline, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for accelerating the construction of a new industrial highland and high-quality development engine。

  Members of the leading team of the Party Working committee and the Management Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone, and members of the leading group of the Party building work of the Party Working Committee of the High-tech Zone were responsible for the meeting。

  Source: High-tech zone Party and Mass work Office First trial: Wang Jian Retrial: Zhang Zhong Final trial: Qiu Baimao